Title: Kiếm tiên kỳ hiệp (34 tập)
Diễn viên: Hồ Ca, Lưu Diệc Phi…
Phim này không coi là tiếc lắm!
Main song of the film
Fairy and Swordsman (\u4ed9\u5251\u5947\u4fa0\u4f20) – June Rain (\u516d\u6708\u7684\u96e8) \u4eff\u5b98\u65b9 MV 04:19 \t\t\t

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Wo Ai Ni 06:44 \t\t\t

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chinese paladin mv \t\t\t03:14
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Jiang Nan 04:18

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Chinese Paladin ending credits (kool song) 01:40
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Review part 1: Kiem tien ky hiep 01 (Ban dep)
C\u00e1c b\u1ea1n c\u00f3 th\u1ec3 xem c\u00e1c t\u1eadp ti\u1ebfp theo b\u1eb1ng c\u00e1ch search tr\u00ean http://youtube.com hay http://video.google.com
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